Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Keep voting!!

I will show the results very soon but keep voting for the time being http://www.zoomerang.com/Survey/WEB22B8M7VLRTX

Sunday, September 26, 2010

You may or may not know...

We have a team rider all the way in Austria. For you people who fell asleep in history. It in europe.  His Name Manuel. Also known as @mkskates ... Here's a few vid's... Enjoy

Friday, September 24, 2010

Happy Birthday Joaquin...

Today is team member Joaquin Perez's birthday. Tell him how special he is so we can have happy timeline's.. Show him some love on twitter Joaquin's twitter .... Also be sure to vote for who's trailer you wanna see.. here---> Poll ...

So i have 6 trailer's....

 6 people have trailer's Alex, Danny, Eddy, Jesse, Joaquin, Ordaz... Dilema who's trailer should go up first and who's last... take the time to help me out and check this poll and pick for yourself... http://www.zoomerang.com/Survey/WEB22B8M7VLRTX

Thursday, September 23, 2010

What happen so SNL game of skate??

Detail's coming soon......

Seeing as how....

Myspace has been dead for a while and I lacked the motivation to do any changes until now... So I am now moving the Inimical Blog here.... I do not really know how often I will update to be honest... Let's hope for the best... To view all the old post's you are unfortunately going to have to go to myspace http://www.myspace.com/inimicalskates/blog (It will no longer be updated) ..... The video is in progress... I will post some really short trailer's soon... Don't expect much... They are each only about 40 second's... Here is the trailer just in case you have missed it...